Ghosts may not be real. But, blandness in marketing is. It’s a scary reality for businesses trying to stand apart and experience more growth in commoditized industries.
Our specialty is busting the blandness of sameness in marketing. So, we sought a creative way to express that involved our team’s love of movies… especially comedies. We wanted to ask the marketing-frustrated leaders of mid-sized businesses…
What do you do when you’re troubled by a lack of views of your content, and you experience feelings of dread that your online marketing is not as engaging as your competition’s, and you’ve seen a video or heard a podcast that you wish you could produce?
You call the BLANDBUSTERS™, of course!
And, when you have something important you need to share you sometimes turn to fiction to help convey your message. That is exactly what we did when the Revizzy team introduced Revizzy Studios, our multimedia recording studio. We created a video parody of the fictional ad for the GHOSTBUSTERS shown in the movie.
You can view it below along with the original ad from the movie. Further below, we take you behind the scenes to see how it was made… and some moments that, well, didn’t make the cut. Enjoy!
Want to compare our script versus the original? As you can see below, we were diligent in keeping sentence structure and syllable count as close to the original as possible. We changed very few words.
Parody Script
Jim: Are you troubled by a lack of views of your content in the middle of the day?
Stephon: Do you experience feelings of dread that your online marketing is not as engaging as your competition’s?
Jack: Have you or your team ever seen a video or heard a podcast that you wish you could produce?
Jim: If the answer is “yes,” then don’t wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals…
All: Blandbusters.
Jim: Our courteous and efficient staff will ensure your multimedia content is online 24 hours a day to serve all your lead generation needs.
All: We’re ready to record you.
Original Script
Dr. Raymond Stantz: Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?
Dr. Egon Spengler: Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?
Dr. Peter Venkman: Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost?
Dr. Raymond Stantz: If the answer is “yes,” then don’t wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals…
All: Ghostbusters.
Dr. Raymond Stantz: Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to serve all your supernatural elimination needs.
All: We’re ready to believe you.
The entire process from initial idea to recording happened so quickly. We were fortunate to have items already in our possession to use as props that are comparable to those in the original. As with the script, we adjusted the items just slightly to be particular to audio and video recording since our parody is for promoting the studio. If you’re wondering what Jim is holding to mimic the wand held by Dr. Raymond Stantz, it is a telescopic selfie-stick with a spring-loaded phone holder at the end. The other items are should be easily identifiable.
The parody was every bit as fun to make and entertaining to watch as it is truthful of the message we convey.
The blandness of sameness is a serious threat to the ability of small and mid-sized businesses to compete in crowded markets. Customers are far more attracted to options that are different versus those that are simply a bit better than the many similar alternatives that exist.
Differentiation doesn’t necessitate having to be radical or extreme. More often than not, just one significant difference in a key feature or benefit is all that is needed.

Consider the original iPhone when it was announced in January 2007 ( It technically had far fewer functions than the market leading smartphones at the time, including the Palm Treo and devices from Blackberry. The iPhone had much in common with these devices. Yet, one key difference was the software-based keyboard that appeared and adapted when needed versus a physical keyboard that was always present and always the same. The keyboard-less interface was truly very simple to understand and so powerful a valuable difference that it quickly crushed the bland competition and became the model for nearly every mobile device since.
Unsure of your key differentiators or how to position them to bust the bland competition? Simply start a chat with us, text us at the phone number in the footer below, or email us at We’ll listen to your situation and what you would like to achieve so we can assess whether Revizzy is the ideal solution team for you.
Lastly, we thank you for sharing this post with others by email or on social media, and for subscribing to our YouTube channel at
Don’t let a bland brand haunt you in the middle of the night… pick up the phone and call the professionals… BLANDBUSTERS™
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