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Today’s Daily Data – Fri. Dec. 18, 2020

A/B testing involves randomly presenting two different versions of something (webpage, sign-up button, subject line, etc.) to different segments of visitors and measuring the performance of each version. Any impact (click-throughs, engagement rates, etc.) is recorded and taken into consideration when determining which version (A or B) should be the final. A/B testing allows you to make data-based decisions about your web content, advertising, email campaigns, and more.

  • 71% of companies run two or more A/B split tests a month
  • 59% of companies perform A/B split tests on emails
  • The Obama campaign raised an estimated additional $75 million due to marketing decisions based on A/B testing
  • The A/B software market is estimated to generate more than $1.08 billion by 2025
  • 85% of companies ask for testing of the call to action buttons

Here are some A/B testing facts:

  • Improving conversion rates is a top priority for marketers. Currently, 58% of marketers use A/B testing as a method of conversion rate optimization. That makes A/B testing the top used method for conversion rate optimization.
  • In order to generate leads and sell from your website, your site must be optimized for the best possible user experience. 77% of marketers use A/B testing on their websites for this reason.
  • The majority of A/B tests performed on email campaigns are subject line tests. For example, the email newsletter company, Morning Brew, tests 4 different subject lines at 5 a.m. by sending out each of the subject lines to 3% of their audience. The subject line that wins the highest open rate is then sent to the remaining 88% of their audience at 6 a.m.
  • Amazon,, Google, and Facebook all conduct more than 10,000 controlled experiments online each year. Instead of jumping immediately into a new idea, these large organizations take the time to run tests to ensure that the changes that are in the works will be effective and beneficial.