Make faster, more informed, more confident decisions You likely already have considerable data about your customers as a result of daily operations. That combined with new data that you can also collect without too much additional effort, can provide even more...
Ghosts may not be real. But, blandness in marketing is. It’s a scary reality for businesses trying to stand apart and experience more growth in commoditized industries. Our specialty is busting the blandness of sameness in marketing. So, we sought a creative way...
Existing customers need help most often on Monday and Tuesday just before 2p ET. “We are hoping to find a big enough venue to hold this event at a safe distance for our staff and families. The number of people to attend could reach up to 150 people. Is your...
Jordan Washok is Revizzy’s newest web developer. He will also operate Revizzy Studios as Technical Director. Jordan Washok, Website Developer Jim Washok, Founder & CEO of Revizzy, is thrilled to introduce Jordan Washok as the newest member of the Revizzy...
Stephon Jacob Stephon Jacob is Revizzy’s newest creative designer and strategist Jim Washok, Founder & CEO of Revizzy, is thrilled to introduce Stephon Jacob as the newest member of the Revizzy team. Stephon joins us as a Creative Developer and Strategist....
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